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“Focused on areas that I wasn’t even aware of and offered solutions for how to improve –some of them that made an

immediate impact.” - Senior Vice President of Strategy

"She was ABSOLUTELY fabulous!" - Participant

Amy was engaging and really pushed us out of our comfort zones to think about other perspectives." - Participant

“Amy practices what she preaches. Even observing her was helpful. Her down-to-earth and humorous approach kept it personal and interesting.” - Senior Vice President

“I am so grateful to you for the work that you did with my team. I can’t tell you how many of our associates

have approached me to share their overwhelmingly positive thoughts on your course.”

- Executive Vice President

"Amy is great! She’s personable and has a great sense of humor, which helped put the group at ease. Her industry experience and insight truly showed and I feel like I got a lot out of this session." - Participant

“Amy did a spectacular job showing us many common mistakes we make in grammar and

how to organize our thoughts more precisely.”

- Senior Media Buyer

Skills learned today will serve me well throughout my career.”  - Director of National Accounts

"Absolutely adore Amy – I wish I could have her as a resource for all of my presentations." - Creative Lead

“Real-world situations that I can go back to the office and take into effect. Really hands-on and interesting workshop.”

- Project Manager

"Amy is a wonderful facilitator, super funny and brings so much enthusiasm and professionalism at the same time." - Participant

“By the first break co-workers and I were already talking about how much we learned.” – Regional Manager

Amy is tremendously insightful. Her perspective is a key element of the workshop’s success. - Participant

Awesome class. I wish everyone could take it!” – Senior Art Director

Amy was outstanding with explaining everything thoroughly. I really understand the why behind the how. - Participant

"She’s the best, no really."

- Senior Account Executive

She was fantastic. Gave us direct feedback in a way that didn’t make me hate myself. So engaging and funny and CLEARLY knows her stuff. Would love to work with her again. – Participant

"She is very talented because she can immediately help someone on a major skill."

The fact that I have three key takeaways is super helpful."

– Account Manager

“Amy brought an immediate sense of ease into the room."

- Vice President of Account Services

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